About Coach Kaselj

I create tips, drills, and workouts for young basketball players to get better.

I began coaching basketball more than 20 years ago, after playing high school basketball. Coaching basketball has become my passion. I have dedicated the past two decades to growing and refining my skills as a coach. I continue that journey every day.

I have decided to start “Time On The Ball Basketball” to give young players a resource where they can find tip, drills, and workouts for basketball. I have found most resources online catered to the elite athlete playing at a very high level. We want to help young players get better by teaching the basics of basketball.

With the advent of the internet, I saw a terrific opportunity to offer and deliver my expertise to many more people, so they too could maximize their potential to become the best possible player that they can.

Players will get better following a program that is built around using proper drills, exercises and techniques. And we want them to match with someone’s developmental level.

We take on the following philosophy when teaching basketball:

First, LEARN the skill with a breakdown of how to do it and what to do?

Second, TRAIN the skill using methods that isolate the skill you are working on.

Third, REPEAT what you have learned and are training to maximize the growth with that particular skill. With the idea of maximizing the repetitions of the skill you are working on.

  • I’ve been a basketball coach since 1995. Coaching all levels of girls and boys at the elementary, middle, and high school levels.
  • I have been a teacher/coach for +15 years at the high school level. While also working with all age groups to help prepare them for the high school level. I have a lot of experience working with the ages of 10-14 to prepare them to compete at the high school level.
  • I spent 6 years at University studying human kinetics and physical education, and got my Master’s Degree in educational leadership. I have been a high school teacher since the Fall of 2000 and continue as a physical education teacher at the high school level.
  • I’ve attended numerous coaching clinics conducted by high school, college, and professional coaches throughout North America.